Monday, December 20, 2010

Adding A Scene

Visual storytelling telling is something that has been around for ages. I think in today's 21st -Century world visual learning is a great way for my generation to learn certain things.

The game Zeitgeist was a great story based game. You followed a soldier through the streets of history as you answer hard trivia questions based on where you are at. Yes indeed, Zeitgeist is a game that is a good way for us to learn about many interesting subject.

Video Blog Questions

These are questions that I answered in a Paper Prototype  Vlog 
  The Big Idea: Describe your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn?
  My big idea is littering in the world. It is a serious issue. I want players to know about litter and dividing fractions. I want them to divide fractions as another way to learn something educational. By combining these two elements players can learn 2 important lessons.
  Making Decisions as a Team: How did your individual ideas from "Imagining Your Game" come together for your team game topic? How did your team decide the topic?
  With the info I gained in Imagining Your Game I learned about litter and my math concept. This helped pick my topic and imagine my game. 
  Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together.
  Well, since I am on my own team I do all the work myself. All the paper prototyping, projects, and everything in-between is done by me!

Research: What kind of research went into the way you will express the game topic?
  I researched many articles and sites. It took me a while, but now I have a full understanding of what my game is about. So, since I know what needs to be known, I am prepared to begin the concept for my game. My best site was
  The User Experience: Explain the game play. What actions does the player take in the game? Has this changed since you first started planning your game? Why?
  Playing this game is fun and enjoyable experience. Players will first learn about the game and what it’s about. They will then pick a place in the world and clean that litter. After cleaning up, they must divide a certain amount of the litter they collected. You do this 3 more times until beat the game.
The player will have to avoid different obstacles such as skateboards and giant                       rocks to achieve the goal.
  Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources?
  The flash code library and game design topics were the most helpful to me.
  These are all available on the EGMS Wiki.

  Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty?
  The Mini-Game was difficult for me because I got lost in the making.
  But, in the end I completed it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Drawing a Scene

        This blog is about something I learned in my research.
I learned of different groups of people against litter.
There were many groups including Citizens Against Litter, People Against Litter (a Facebook campaign), and many many more. These groups fight to keep the world clean. Although some are all thay are making a difference in today's litter-infested world!