Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Am I Passionate About My Topics?

Litter-one of the worst of all environmental issues. This is a problem
that is still plagueing us to this day. I personally have seen the affects of litter. I used to live near an old dump full of bottles, cans, I even saw diapers! So, this is one of the many reasons I am so passionate about making game to raise awareness about litter in the U.S.

My Math Concept is about rational dividing. This is by far my most favorite type of division. I only learned it this year. But, with the help of my teacher and classmates I learned how work out problems involving fractions with division. Although maybe you don't enjoy or know how to divide fractions, I thoroughly enjoy it! In the end I learned that Math Is Fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm from sandy river and I have been asigned to be your blogging partner for GLOBALORIA:D. I am totally with on the polution. I think it so ad that there is so much garbadge everywhere :(.that is sad that the garbadge gets thrown everywhere.
